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Additional Minnesota Viking Commentary

 Convoluted! April 7, 2021
The NFL has a great deal of things going for it ... but it also has only its face on which to peer ... where its own inbreeding is now a cause for concern.  Sometimes to progress, you need to destroy ... or better said ... make worse until everyone is beside itself with anger.

Take for instance the NFL's recent attempt at reviewing pass interference calls.  The NFL came up with a feeble attempt to right a grave injustice where one man could exacerbate an entire team-year of work put in by an organization.  To insert a fail safe, to ensure the integrity of the game for fans throughout the world they achieved only a half hearted attempt so that a franchise would not be castrated by "just-one-man" in his attempt to obviously destroy the outcome of the game.  On the surface, the NFL indicated that they would try to get those critical calls correct only to come up with a severely convoluted system that destroyed the feeble attempt to get it right.  After a short trial period ... it is now gone ... apparently forever.  The problem is that the consumer clearly wanted it ... but apparently the league did not.  If the league did, they would have removed these convoluted obstacles to get a true system that would work.  

The league clearly wanted an 18-game league year schedule.  A great deal was at steak in getting this done but it was a bridge too far.  So what does the league do when it doesn't get what it wants.  You guessed it ... enter convolution 101 ... with the release of the 2021 schedule.  Instead of maintaining balance, they used that odd 17th game to introduce imbalance awarding the AFC one additional home game for the entire conference.  A chance to fill the seats of 16 more home games for the entire conference.  In addition, next year the NFC will want their pound of flesh having 16 additional home games for the 2022 season.  A time-sensitive tacit & binding arrangement.  Can you anticipate some sort of outcry somewhere down the line as there is most definitely a price to be paid for away contests in a capacity stadium?  Why not just award the Giants with 9 home games leaving the Vikings with only 7 ... Oh yeah, we already did that.

Not to worry, the NFL has a "horse-pill" solution for us all to choke down.  How about 18 games?  What do you think? 

This was the NFL's opportunity to once & for all scrap its incessant ad nausium divisional schedule (almost 40% of the seasons contest) which is destroying franchises.  How do you think the Bills, Jets & Dolphins felt about Tom Brady's dynasty which is great for him at the expense of 31 other fans bases.  

It was the NFL's opportunity to pit long-lived divisional foes against each other at a neutral site like London, Berlin, Mexico City, Toronto, Tokyo to increase world interest in today's gladiator sport of Kings. 

It was an opportunity of transforming the schedule completely to conference versus conference match-ups where an NFC team would play eight AFC teams (two AFC Divisions) & nine NFC teams every year.  Allowing the fan the opportunity to see the best play against the best more often.  Instead, by protecting those divisional contests, we may never see any particular athlete in any particular venue, as AFC vs. NFC conference match-ups only occur every four years and there is no guarantee that it will be a home game 4 years from now.  

The NFL is pounding its feet like a child until it gets what it wants.  Divisional inbreeding apparently is way to important for owners to give up as it may mean an undeserved #2 seed instead of having your team earn that prize playing the best in the league.  Let's not forget all those soft schedules lined by the expenses paid in having those long term dynasties.  Nope ... can't give that up.  I guess true competition versus the needs (wants) of the NFL must maintain its divergent path.  Isn't that great for all those fans ... who cares ... its all about (divergent) fantasy? 

When that NFL schedule came out ... Do you think for one moment that you were fooling anyone?  Ask the average fan what it smells like because only pigs learn to eat where they defecate? 

Maybe some day the NFL will actually serve its consumer base rather than think that there is no way to improve their product.  What else could be more important while blowing out those candles.

Dynasties are not good for anything, anyone or anybody except for your "self- serving" self. 

The Viking Ghost Writer
Date: April 7, 2021
