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Additional Minnesota Viking Commentary

Moments Over
Maybe the greatest line in Bull Durham {1988) was, "The moments over!"

After this humble narrators blasting of Mistral Raymond with both barrels on August 13, he opened our 2nd pre-season game appearing to be absolutely everywhere on the field on what seemed to be every play.  Was this the same kid that the commentators were laughing at only a week prior, flying all over the field, disrupting absolutely everything within his domain.  Wow!  Of course ... the moment is now over.  With all his stellar play there is one glaring issue that is still very apparent.  Plane & simple, what the film shows is that his tackling techniques are suspect.  As this teams projected starting safety ... he's the last line of defense where poor tackling will result in touchdowns-against.

It wasn't that long ago that we'd wake up in a cold sweat watching Orlando Thomas's hips lock up, in slow motion, as he was passed by a streaking foe.  The chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, where safety cannot be that link.  

From the outside looking in on the NFL, we are witnessing great change ... maybe the greatest change ever.  Certainly the statistics boarded in 2011 support this fact however it's evolution is in question ... and it is suspect.  For example, how do you teach full speed tackling techniques when the league is trying to avoid unnecessary physical contact?  Is it any wonder why offensive statistics are exploding?  If it is our wish to dominate ... to win ... then we have to figure out how to master defensive skills without actually practicing it continuously.  I know ... solving this question is not an easy task ... but it is that very real noose around our collective necks. With this dilemma, there is a more important question to answer, "Would it be acceptable to allow the unthinkable to happen under Stone-Faced-Grant?"  Why is this important?  It is because the fundamental basis of football is always football ... regardless of change.  Focal intensity combined with explicit dominate concentration is the only way to overcome any weakness. 

The Viking Ghost Writer
August 22, 2012
